Francis Hoar
Francis Hoar is a barrister specialising in public law who used to practise in crime. @Francis_Hoar
Should we sacrifice principle to expediency?
The ‘temporary’ threat to trial by jury
Women have bad odds with Dodds
This appointment is an insult from Keir Starmer
Embracing the quiet life
Keir Starmer takes a vow of public service and perpetual dogmatic silence
A craven surrender
The handover of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius represents a mindless and unjust capitulation to a foreign power
Without a twist
This weather-based thriller is all hot air, but who doesn’t enjoy a warm summer breeze?
Roger Scruton’s naive nationalism
Cultural nationalism is an ill-fitting model for the modern nation state
“Nice” people need to read this book
How women have been hounded throughout the gender wars
Towards a shared Englishness
There is a third way between civic nationalism and ethno-nationalism
War, peace, and architecture in Munster
A welcome if flawed history of Irish architecture
Night of the ghost fascism
If a far right protest is rumoured but no one turns up, can it be counter-protested?