Gary Sheffield
Gary Sheffield is Emeritus Professor of Military History, University of Wolverhampton. He tweets at @ProfGSheffield
Rhyme of the times
Within six weeks of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination, most of Europe was at war
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Prince
Is he simply a desperate chancer, or a genuine threat to British interests?
The state Will Hutton is in
Dissecting a spiteful attack on British farmers
Fear Ireland’s shadow banks
The Emerald Isle is ripe for a volatile market correction
Have we been barking up the wrong tree?
Mark Rowlands believes that humans have a lot to learn from dogs
Bursting the myth of the “people’s war”
The Home Guard was not a nation-in-arms of the Jacobin kind
Opposing big government means opposing climate change
We need a market-led course to net zero
Let’s diversify the curriculum
If we really want diversity, we need to get more traditional
Going Rogue
An interesting if unappealingly illustrated reassessment of a neglected style
Don’t stop the music
How a legendary DJ was cancelled just for listening to women