‘You’ll be a Man, my son!’
Rudyard Kipling’s (in)famous poem “If” reverberates with valuably relevant and humane advice for 2020 Britain
Beware the shaming and guilt-tripping bingefest
Events in the US have led to a(nother) moment of reckoning for race relations spawning a similar gamut of emotions, some justified, other less so
Is it safe?
The torture of our new safety obsessed national psyche
Lapwings, Hyenas and Hares (Oh my!)
It’s amazing what you can encounter during an early morning jog
The beauty of Jeremy Brett
Why any self-respecting heterosexual male needs a man-crush
A literary pilgrimage to a watery grave
Following in the footsteps of the author J.G. Farrell
Touch of dystopia
Are we facing a Ballardian dystopian future of waning human touch?
Why I’ve embraced Ethiopian spriss culture
A culture of mixing and fusing can serve us well in lockdown and the life beyond
Is this what equality means?
US women could be about to achieve a level of equality not all of them actually want, by becoming eligible to be drafted in a time of war
A paean to Spain and Italy during troubled times
On the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage I saw the delights of the countries most cruelly ransacked by Coronavirus