Lucasta Miller
Lucasta Miller is the author of Keats: A Brief Life in Nine Poems and One Epitaph.
The lovelorn lady who broke the rules
A romantic forced by peculiar privilege into perpetual masquerade
Many lives of the first everywoman
Wife of Bath is a brand name all will recognise
A fresh take on difficult women
Why should women writers of the past take on today’s Utopian orthodoxies?
The far enemy
The motivations for the 9/11 attacks are still misunderstood and moralised
Could Trump be a world leader?
His sense of his own importance might not be suited to isolationism
Two-tier policing is not new
Our authorities must operate without fear or favour again
Duke of deception
Duke Wolff was a real life Gatsby, a brilliant, flamboyant faker whose lies left a legacy of both devastation and fascination for his children
Brooding blokes
Russian writers loved a pouting, picturesquely pained protagonist
The world is not enough
In the battle between abstract globalisation and rooted identity, the human spirit itself is at stake
From the monstrous to the grotesque
Hitler’s cult of charismatic leadership is indistinguishable from the ideology of National Socialism
The triumph of electoral sectarianism
Votes on the basis of ethnic identity are reshaping British politics
Twitter’s doxxing problem
Social media “outings” expose serious lapses in legality and digital morality