The courage to defeat Evil
Why are people fighting a long-dead slave trade rather than resisting the triumph of a real one?
Bishops’ different hymnsheet
The Church of England has worked to broaden its diversity of background, but its diversity of opinion has declined
Learning to love on Twitter
Our online behaviour is, if the last two months are anything to go by, depressing
Sacred — and vital — spaces
A church is not the same as an old castle or a pub
Are we an oppressor nation?
Marcus Walker responds to an article calling for a re-examination of Britain’s history
God’s comeback
The Church of England has found God again
Hilda on to what you have
The humanists are coming to get us
Purge the puritans
Marcus Walker regrets the new age of joylessness
Crucified again
Marcus Walker laments the new antisemitism
Holy baloney
Marcus Walker prays for episcopal consistency