Naomi Firsht
Naomi Firsht is a journalist and co-author of The Parisians' Guide to Cafés, Bars and Restaurants.
Borderline bleak
Sex and the City’s sequel is more mini-lecture series than TV drama
Forces of nature
Antonin Dvorak: Symphonies (Warner/Pentatone)
The problem with the Celtic Fringe
Devolution has proved to be a disastrous mistake
Revolution in the Academy
The quest for knowledge, not power, ought to guide academia
Slaying gay culture
How trans activists took over the once worthy gay rights struggle
The Conservatives deserve credit on sex and gender
They were slow to respond to institutional capture — but they did respond
My Magyar dish
A dish that combines gravity with tradition, but is cheekily unorthodox
The curious incident of the dog and the tribunal
A welcome win for sanity on gender, freedom and the workplace
Israel’s forever war
Netanyahu risks dragging his country and his allies into an open-ended regional conflict
Three decades of broken promises on immigration
Time and time again, Labour and the Conservatives have failed to deliver on their pledges