The fit and famous
To strive, to struggle, to sweat, is to be human
Et tu Wakeford?
Caesar probably got a better reception
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink
Are policy makers finally waking up to the harms of behavioural science?
The Critic Books Podcast: Nick Blackburn’s The Reactor
A compelling memoir about grief and repair
I miss the old BBC
The BBC has lost its way and things have to change
Spare me the hashtag feminism
The feminist fix: Tweets are no substitute for making real change
I don’t protest for my health
Kill the bill to save democracy — not self care routines
It was absurd we accepted lockdown
It isn’t just the parties that should make us so angry, but the draconian restrictions themselves
Bye bye BBC
Why it’s time for Auntie to say goodnight
The dog it was that tried
Buzz! Operation Operation is inoperable