Turning victims into folk devils
The plight of the “transwidows” scorned for telling the unfashionable truth about their abusive autogynephile husbands
Auntie’s quota-led new faces
The BBC risks putting social justice over excellence
Top Guns of the track
Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton might not exactly hate each other, but their relationship is formal verging on chilly
Gandhi: what xe would have done
Seek out dissenting transphobes and punish them without mercy
Bollocks to Babel
The Erasmus scheme is a political project not designed to work well academically
Misguided and muddled
By inviting listeners to admit their complicity, Eshun failed utterly to make his case
The American who let the Nazis rebuild Germany
John McCloy freed Hitler’s favourite industrialists. Their firms still dominate the country’s economy
The coronavirus variations
Here are three of our most praised writers with new offerings written during one or more lockdowns and that also take in the pandemic in their subject matter
Welcome back to reality, feminists
Wokeness is less an intellectual position and more a form of wish-fulfilment
#couplegoal — orientated
Claudia Savage-Gore drags woke Will back to therapy