
You won’t believe why they’ve charged Marion Millar

A fifth film is looming, but I really, really, wish it wasn’t

Robert Maxwell’s last two days are covered in great detail in this new book

Professor Jeremy Black and Graham Stewart discuss the reach and organisation of Britain’s armed forces in protecting and expanding the British empire

A body calling for the revision of school textbooks should bear closer scrutiny

Chinese propaganda plays on the manifest faultlines of American society

The more you play along, the harder it is to distance yourself from the fallout later

As the winner of the International Booker Prize is due to be announced today, ASH Smyth talks to poet, translator and judge on this year’s panel, George Szirtes

Stonewall has become that dangerous thing: an organisation with power and resources floundering for survival

Purpose, identity and social status, how this book reveals the three things lacking on the shop floor at Amazon