Paul Huxley
Paul Huxley is Communications Manager at Christian Concern. He tweets at @huxtweets
Could Esther Rantzen think twice on assisted suicide?
The gifts of life can be unexpected
An Oxford arriviste
Shades of Brideshead and Saltburn at an unconvincing “classy” Oxford restaurant
Embrace uncool Britannia
Warhammer is a barnstorming British success, so why the lack of recognition?
Ultra processed arguments
Public health commentators cannot seem to decide what is safe to eat
Blogosphere bubble
Reviving a simple English classic: bubble and squeak
There is more to ethics than “#BeKind”
It is not cruel to fear the consequences of legalising assisted dying
Consent isn’t everything
Protections against violent sexual encounters are being dismantled
Conservatives can no longer trust institutions
Institutions are only as effective as the people within them and the culture beyond them
Save nursing from the universities
There is no need for nursing to be a graduate only occupation
Why was I the only reporter?
On the sentencing of the Rotherham grooming gang
Final notes
The end The Musical Times is symbolic of a broader malaise in classical music
The strange history of Keir Starmer and assisted suicide
How long, and to what extent, has the prime minister supported legalisation?