Raquel Rosario Sánchez

Raquel Rosario Sánchez is a writer, researcher and campaigner from the Dominican Republic. She tweets at @8RosarioSanchez

A victory for independent-minded women

Women and girls deserve a safe space

Bailey has shown the strength of her character in the courtroom

Denying biological reality is worsening a public health crisis

A feminist student society has taken legal action against the Bristol Student Union for sanctioning their women-only spaces

Did Planned Parenthood’s obsession with trans activism distract them from the abortion ban?

Who benefits when experts on male violence are shown the door?

Countries worldwide have witnessed a systemic erasure of sex from public policy just when the data will be needed most

Even when underperforming, transwoman Laurel Hubbard steals the spotlight from underprivileged women

It would have been better for Simone Biles if we’d just accepted her defeat