Rhianwen Daniel
Dr Rhianwen Daniel is a lecturer and project officer at the Cardiff University department of philosophy.
Death by red tape
“Soft cancellation” is the preferred tool of institutionalised censoriousness
Why conservatism is rational
Conservatives should take pride in the rationality of their reasoning
A life of indulgence
Jacob Rees-Mogg has a major persona and a minor career
An irreversible step
If Britain embraces euthanasia for the terminally ill, it won’t end there
An open letter on academic free speech
Calls for more intellectual openness are not a defence of Islamists and Holocaust deniers. A response to Mark Ferguson MP
What we don’t talk about when we talk about mental illness
We talk about mental health differently – but is it an improvement?
Don’t idolise Roger Scruton
Our reverence for the late thinker must not limit our imaginations
God of God, Light of Light
Christmas should point us towards the eternal truths of the Nicene Creed
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Prince
Is he simply a desperate chancer, or a genuine threat to British interests?
Lily Phillips is a Rorschach test
Experience and behaviour are not solely reducible to consent
On cockroaches and cancellation (w/ James Dreyfus)
How ideology is spoiling the arts
Crenelations with friends
What playing Carcassonne taught me about my pals