Seth Dunn
Seth Dunn lives in Scotland where he climbs mountains. He studied philosophy and works in retail investor market research.
Strawberry fields? Never
The idea of toughening zoomers up with hard labour is a pointless fantasy
Toasting a maestro
Stranded passengers emerged bewildered into the night of the living dead
The Bard at Christmas
It is impossible to appreciate Shakespeare without acknowledging his Christian foundations
The ingratitude of academia
The University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent should celebrate their historic donors, not castigate them
The Susie Green light
Businesses should not be legitimising the controversial CEO
Will Starmer’s immigration gambit backfire?
The prime minister might have opened a box that he cannot close
The golden age of criticism?
There are good reasons why serious writers no longer review in the national press
The opportunism of anti-police activists
Continued agitation around the death of Chris Kaba is inexcusable
The first victim of empire
England is an ongoing casualty of the British imperial project
More than one way to skin a cat
The thing about formulae is that they’re an aid, not a guide