Ursula Wide
Ursula Wide is the President of a rural Women’s Institute.
Terence Rattigan
The subtly subversive chronicler of Englishness still makes grown men cry
Badmissions procedures
Putting decisions in the hands of non-specialist administrators fails students and universities
No room for reform?
We should hope that even the worst people can change
Digital killed the analogue man
Despite the seductions of the virtual, we can’t escape our bodies
No lessons learned from lockdown
Despite all the nuance and retrospective moderation, the Covid inquiry leaves us no closer confronting the failures of technocracy
We must punish the parents
How should France tackle the problem of repeat juvenile offenders?
Labour’s move to ban speech on abortion won’t stop outside clinics
All dissent on the subject is being problematised if not criminalised
Anatomy of a populist cynic
As Spain’s national-conservatives get outflanked by “Alvise”, Europe’s “new right” would do well to watch the fringes, too