Artillery Row
“Moral debt” is classic watermelon politics
Do left-wing economists believe that there is anything to which wealth redistribution is not the answer?
Alastair Campbell’s gender neutral nonsense
Alastair Campbell might not care about single-sex spaces, but women do
So, farewell then Humza
One man was very impressed with Humza Yousaf’s resignation speech
The school as a battleground
Michaela defeat will not deter Islamist designs on schools
The follies of human quantitative easing
British politicians have made a fatal commitment to human quantitative easing
Of course the culture wars matter
It is people who trivialise them who are not taking politics seriously
A time for restoration
An interview with David Starkey
The poverty of “Singapore-on-Thames”
Britain can take inspiration from other countries but it cannot merely imitate them
Music for a warm bath
Bloch, Bruch, Dohnanyi (Claves)
Struggles of a veteran matador
Familiarity can make the heart grow cooler, but greatness can still prevail