Artillery Row
A madman’s guide to Wagner
You don’t have to be crazy to enjoy Wagner, but it helps
The unification of Germany
Jeremy Black and Graham Stewart discuss the path of German unification, from the failed revolutions of 1848 to the creation of Bismarck’s Reich
The West’s self-defeating sanctions
America and its allies are committing geo-political suicide for no discernible gain
Detransitioners should sue the NHS
Our National Health Service is mutilating the children placed in their care
Boris-go! Boris-go! Boris-go!
Se vuol ballare, signor contino, il chitarrino le suonerò
Ukraine war is not an example of “toxic masculinity”
History suggests that female rulers are far more likely to start wars than their male counterparts
Notes from a client kingdom
Britain is a sad sunless satrapy of the American empire
The tide has turned on abortion
The overturning of Roe v Wade is an opportunity for the UK to reflect on its own abortion laws
Labour’s lost cause
Despite recent successes, the party is still leaving working class voters behind
Fifty shades of muck
The lost art of governing your tongue