Artillery Row

French pianist Bertrand Chamayou’s compilation of lullabies shows a degree of taste and independence unusual in a young soloist still at the start of his journey

Jeremy Black recommends an array of crime fiction novels, both modern and classic, to keep you entertained in January

Stuart Ritchie’s ‘Science Fictions’ reveals a scholar committed not only to his own discipline but to the wider principles underlying all intellectual endeavour

Graham Stewart talks to Professor Jeremy Black about whether the past can be a servant to the present

If a biography of Boris had been published after his election victory it could have been fairly titled “Boris: A Study in Success”, but twelve months is an eternity in politics

Despite a mass public campaign, Kevin Sinfield hasn’t received a knighthood this year. It comes as no surprise to rugby league fans

Turkey blackmails Europe, Greece adopts a policy of deterrence, and the EU remains divided

At the end of a dismal year, consider the cult dystopias of the optimistic 1990s.

Stefan Zweig’s 1939 novel ‘Beware of Pity’ now screams to have its message heeded