Artillery Row

A British-American professor explains how diversity ruined academia, and how to reform it

The 40 minutes of music on this album is alternately hypnotic and uplifting

Today, our heroes are demi-gods with superhuman powers, genius detectives and, painful though it is to admit, activists

No authority has any jurisdiction over our emotions, not even the worst of them

The Parekh report argued that ‘Britishness’ as previously understood was now defunct

For now, the Smithfield Christmas auction is still going ahead. We can’t stop everything, can we?

Will higher defence spending go on tech or boots on the ground?

The debate over Fairytale of New York is proof that 2020 is the year in which woke doctrine went into overdrive

Did Dominic Cummings learn his management style from Klute Nightclub in Durham?

It doesn’t always pay to follow the most organised and efficient path