Artillery Row

Jeremy Black and Graham Stewart discuss Winston Churchill’s role in shaping British and the Allies’ military strategy in the Second World War

The reaction to the BBC Woman’s Hour interview with Zara Mohammed exposes the cliquishness of contemporary feminists

When will the government tackle its own deniers of Jihadi terrorism?

To truly achieve celebrity status and win a place in the nation’s affections you have to give up your political ambitions – just look at Ed Balls

Olivia Hartley speaks to Laura Dodsworth about face masks, religious faith, and how public health has become a criminal justice matter

From trans rights to its independence strategy, a bitter war divides one of the most popular parties in Europe

Toby Young disagrees with Danny Finkelstein’s call for Miller’s sacking, saying that academic staff should be free to express whatever views they like within the law

The ERG join the Protocol fight, but will No.10 change tack?

The celebrated Byzantinist Cyril Mango died earlier this month; his insight will be keenly missed by enthusiasts of Byzantine studies

From countryside crimes to mysteries on the waves, Jeremy Black recommends further reading from the British Library Crime Classics collection