Artillery Row
You’ll never guess how this ends
You’re in the getting-Brexit-done business
Colonialism goes woke!
Australia abolishes parental rights, double-masking is double-plus-good, and the woke praise British Imperialism
Should the UK force its overseas territories to legalise same-sex marriage?
The UK Government is keen to ensure legalisation of same-sex marriage throughout its dominions, but exercising its colonial authority is not the most prudent tactic
Who champions the little guy now that Trump is gone?
Sir Andrew Cook, chairman of leading British manufacturer William Cook Group, bemoans the fact that the parties of the left no longer stand up for the little guy
Why is anti-semitism the last acceptable form of bigotry?
Just like Covid-19, this new, virulent strain of anti-Semitism will prove hard to dispel, and no vaccine will be available to act as a panacea
Evensong at the end of the world
ASH Smyth sings choral evensong for Candlemas, in Stanley cathedral
Letter from Washington: Is Biden serious about bipartisanship?
The president is pleasing progressives at the expense of his other campaign commitments
Catholicism at its most bonkers—and prescient
The strange and startling events at Fatima continue to intrigue and haunt as the Catholic Church wrestles against the liberalising world order
Elgar: Violin concerto/violin sonata (Warner)
Elgar works best when a conductor appears to do least
We are all Maoists now
For many of the West’s leaders, the Beijing model of enlightened autocracy is looking increasingly appealing