Artillery Row
What is truth?
Banging on about “the methods of science” is not a good argument
Boiling the bioethical frog
Have we passed the point of no return? The Covid Physician warns against crossing the bioethical Rubicon
Presser is not short for presents
Imagine an Advent calendar with nothing behind the numbers, forever
Stonewall take another hostage
The head of Ofcom thinks it’s “extremely inappropriate” to have guests that disagree with trans activists
Freedom of speech awakens?
Good news from court, but the fact that it got this far shows it’s an uphill struggle for freedom of speech
The wrong sort of women, again
View from Oxford: the Fortune Wheel of grievance spins yet again
It’s a Wonderful Life: the perfect Christmas film?
The 1946 classic is a timely reminder that affection and loyalty can surface in the most difficult of circumstances
Eton needs to be led by a headmaster, not a social activist
Simon Henderson’s top-down revolution at Eton has lost the trust of too many parents, staff, and donors for him to remain in place
Letter from Washington: Cities need conservatives
…and conservatives need cities
The gifts that keep on giving
Part of the magic of Christmas is how it pulls you back towards your home—if not physically, then at least in spirit