Artillery Row
Is the Women’s Equality Party really for women?
The WEP has been neutered by the same sexist stereotypes it claims to fight against
Should all England be a Greater Manchester?
Neither Starmer nor Johnson know if local lockdowns are any more effective than national lockdowns. But both have dug-in to their positions.
Letting the blob go online
Why is the “Vote Leave Government” giving a Quango so much power over our online speech?
The world leaders who battled coronavirus and won
How is it that our most eccentric world leaders have been the ones disproportionately affected by Covid-19?
A timely warning from history
Are Churchill’s and Orwell’s warnings about to come to pass?
Arise Sir Ed, saviour of King’s College London
An online ‘clap for Sir Ed’ will no doubt be forthcoming for an award justly earned
You’ll take it and like it
Madchester? Sadchester? No, Gladchester, thought Boris
Conflict in the Caucasus
How much worse will the historic conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh get?
Follow the Who Funds You
Oddly nobody’s shadowbanning conspiracy theories about the Great Barrington Declaration
The Mirror of #MeToo
Luciano Garbati’s new work expresses a widespread decline in symbolic literacy