Thomas Less and Clayton Coutts
Two King’s College academics - writing pseudonymously in the interests of self preservation.
Arise Sir Ed, saviour of King’s College London
An online ‘clap for Sir Ed’ will no doubt be forthcoming for an award justly earned
Cancel Culture is coming for you
Not speaking up in the hope that it will pass you by is an illusion. It won’t save you
How King’s College London has become Cancel College
The buccaneering spirit of King’s has gone, and with it its international standing
A new low for women’s sport
The International Olympic Committee has disgraced itself
Ireland must accept the Cass Review
The Republic is ignoring the disturbing evidence about youth transition
Two cheers for pedestrianisation
Pedestrianisation cannot solve all of Oxford Street’s problems
Keeping your head may just save your soul
Hyperreality meets holocaust denial in the insanity of the social media age
A real education
We need a revolution in the way we teach, the curriculum, extracurriculars and funding
Telling tales out of school
Is it really about sex, race, generational hierarchies — or the changeable nature of student-teacher relationships?
The immobile prince
Political chaos masks the stagnation of French economic life
We need more have-yachts
The tragedy of the Bayesian highlights a wider issue about our lack of ambition
Who are the Scottish Conservatives?
The election of Russell Findlay to lead the Scottish Conservatives reveals a party that doesn’t know what it stands for
Rime of the ancient Tory mariner
The lesson of the Conservative conference? Keep your kids away from politics
Weren’t the grownups meant to be back in charge?
Shallow managerialism has failed us already