Bunty Malone
Best-selling novelist
Two cheers for the LRB
The magazine that declares its main aim is to review books does anything but
Fixing the unbroken
Reform of judicial review is a solution without a problem
The origins of the word
Ghost in the machine
Does the printer really “experience” anything?
A rascal – but leave it at that
We need to mind our language when describing those with whom we disagree
We can’t trust the National Trust’s history
How on earth did the National Trust hire a non-historian to do an historian’s job?
Ban Trans myths by writing ‘FACT’
Prevent the rise of fascism by letting the state arrest people for what they think
Sealed with a Glasgow kiss
From trans rights to its independence strategy, a bitter war divides one of the most popular parties in Europe
Short cut to a Mob takeover
Today the multiply-tattooed Balkan war criminal look is popular