
How on earth did the National Trust hire a non-historian to do an historian’s job?

Prevent the rise of fascism by letting the state arrest people for what they think

From trans rights to its independence strategy, a bitter war divides one of the most popular parties in Europe

Today the multiply-tattooed Balkan war criminal look is popular

When the MoD’s top man signs off with a BLM hashtag it’s a brave official who doesn’t get the message

Bringing back the Net Book Agreement would be a good start for badly-paid authors

The money being poured into US elections is soaring – but it’s often wasted

A Procrustean bed of critical theory is examining a British military hero – with predictable results

The governent’s attempt to regain the right to call an election is problematic

As we move into 2021, Biden’s message resounds throughout our new woke empire