The Critics

London’s orchestral rat-race will have fewer runners when musical life returns, says Norman Lebrecht

As the misrepresentations in The Crown call for historical dramas to be clearer in their creative license, Romeo Coates offers a brieg guide to fact and fiction in drama

The average rock band from the 1980s onwards dressed as if they were going to fix your car, not blow your mind

Zeinab Badawi’s ‘The History of Africa’ (BBC World News)

A contemporary political drama uses the double whammy of Covid and Brexit to reanimate older, primeval forces

A new Netflix release has been trailed as a masterpiece, with myriad claims to Oscar recognition, says Christopher Silvester

Digital theatre is now beginning to offer stalls-starved audiences the kind of quality work they would have queued to see live

Michael Prodger on the artists who make huge sums for painting the US flag

How do you love a song you disagree with?

Opera has treated the subject of cancelling the pleasures of others in some depth