Results for "Graham Stewart"
Blood on the tracks — rail transport between the wars
A golden age of trains, before a dark age for the world
The Falklands War
How important was it that Britain won?
Conspiracies: theory and practice
Jeremy Black talks with Graham Stewart about the many conspiracies and secretive plots that really did shape the course of events
Has Ukraine changed modern warfare?
A historical perspective
Red alert?
Apocalyptic intimations in the mid-1900s
New beginnings, old problems
How did geopolitics evolve in the aftermath of World War Two?
Mapping the past — and the future
A catalogue of cartography
The Domino Effect
1960s geopolitics, propaganda and the Vietnam War
The making of a multi-national state
What the Scots and Irish brought to Westminster
How West Germany rode the storm
Professor Jeremy Black discusses West Germany’s politics and prosperity in the 1950s and 1960s with Graham Stewart