Acronyms are one of the means by which bureaucracies hide or obfuscate what they do
Their work here is done
British politicians are very proud of their role in Syria, whatever it was
Ireland must accept the Cass Review
The Republic is ignoring the disturbing evidence about youth transition
The French far right are losers
Will Rassemblement National will ever be the ruling party?
Too many silences in this book about music
The hazy treatment of what “music” even entails falls flat
War, peace and city streets
How English towns survived the Blitz and entered the modern world
Violence is a feature of porn, not a bug
Aggression towards women permeates the most popular pornography
Anti-Christian persecution is an international problem
Britain should use its diplomatic influence to help
The Old Vic under siege
The King’s favourite Shakespearean need hardly trouble himself with such dreary details
When the music stopped
A reflection on the inexorable decline of arts education and the rise of knee-jerk politics and managerialism
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies