Andy Burnham
He won’t take the knee
Has Robert Peel been reincarnated as the Chief Constable for Manchester?
Should all England be a Greater Manchester?
Neither Starmer nor Johnson know if local lockdowns are any more effective than national lockdowns. But both have dug-in to their positions.
You’ll take it and like it
Madchester? Sadchester? No, Gladchester, thought Boris
There is more to ethics than “#BeKind”
It is not cruel to fear the consequences of legalising assisted dying
The death of conservatism?
Individually and collectively, we must choose life
How the West fell out of love with mass migration
Restrictionist opinion is breaking through the establishment cordon sanitaire
Neither beautiful, nor true
The new Fourth Plinth commission creates moral and artistic confusion
It’s the economy, stupid
The US election was another reminder of people’s biggest political priority
The downfall of the podcast-industrial complex
How did some of our finest podcasters get the election so wrong?
Sophocles’s lack-of-foresight saga
Families will feud, from the BC era to 2024
In defence of hereditary peers
Starmer’s spiteful plan for the Lords breaks an important intergenerational contract
Brooding blokes
Russian writers loved a pouting, picturesquely pained protagonist
Britain should get serious about organised crime
We underestimate how much crime is the work of small, nasty groups of people