Assisted Suicide
Against assisted suicide
How long before the right to die becomes a duty to die?
The culture war is all around you
It is the philosophical water in which we swim
Soft soaping suicide
Emmerdale’s coverage of assisted suicide was disturbing
Euthanasia is liberalism’s endpoint
Existential limits inherent to life orient us to what is of value
Suicide is suicide
Don’t be hoodwinked by euphemisms
Canada’s voyage down the slippery slope
Euthanasia is spiralling out of control
When is suicide not suicide?
The vulnerable need our support, not lethal drugs
Christmas with Dr. Death
Show them you care with a brand new Death Pod
The devil is in the detail
The assisted suicide bill has practical challenges to answer before it should convince us to start down a dangerous path
Turning caretakers into killers
Baroness Meacher’s Assisted Dying Bill offers no real safeguards for the most vulnerable patients