Oil, art and the perils of patronage
Art patrons have always been on the wrong side of history
Anatomy of a populist cynic
As Spain’s national-conservatives get outflanked by “Alvise”, Europe’s “new right” would do well to watch the fringes, too
Bad tradwife manifesto
From have it all feminism to tradwife influencers, women are being given impossible ideals and taught to refuse limitations
Twitter’s doxxing problem
Social media “outings” expose serious lapses in legality and digital morality
The stories of a cemetery
There is much to learn about human life in a graveyard
The disgrace of ACE
Arts Council England has failed to support artists and art
In defence of hereditary peers
We should preserve Britain’s magical eccentricity
Up with expertise, down with experts
Politicians should be informed by experts but not led by them
British broadcasting capitulation
Editorial standards have been thrown out, and anti-white discrimination embraced at the BBC
The death of Britannia Agoraia
Deindustrialisation has done damage even beyond the realms of economics