
Barnier’s Secret Journal should interest British readers due to the insights on whether the UK could have negotiated a better deal

Tugendhat tackles the Cabinet Office’s Mr Task Force Europe

Britain’s vaccination success has saved lives and will boost economic output by billions

London and Bern need to coordinate their approach to the EU

What does the future hold beyond Brexit and Covid?

Grieve accidentally sends begging emails to eurosceptics

Ways to improve the Brexit deal without compromising on sovereignty

A cynic might think that a degree of loyalist violence in Northern Ireland was all part of the Brexit calculation

‘The story of Brexit will not get a fair hearing unless we create that space for ourselves’ — Gawain Towler on the plan to make the Museum of Brexit a reality

A recent book launch hosted by Policy Exchange provided the perfect opportunity for a Frost, Gove, Rudd and Mandelson rematch