The meaning of the multi-faith area
Ugly as it is, it could be used for something beautiful
The Critic
No they haven’t put the mag on the silver screen just yet, but its still worth watching
The bastard son of democratic aestheticisation
How Donald Trump made populism funny
The end of art critics
The critics who are now lackeys of the art world
My “state of the nation” book
England’s Mean Unpleasant Land: How the Tories, Trump and TikTok Screwed Up Britain
Public sector pay
Bumper pay rises for doctors and teachers are bound to result in higher inflation
“Bold vision”
An action or choice can perfectly well be bold without being good
Now’s your time, House of Lords
The upper house must prove its worth by opposing the shabby Chagos Islands deal
Dissolve the hotbeds of wokery
Failing universities should go the way of the monasteries under Henry VIII