
The rambling and discursive nature of the writing lends Rupert Everett’s book an enjoyable appeal

The magazine that declares its main aim is to review books does anything but

Christopher North joins the devoted cult of the elegant, enigmatic bullfighter José Tomás

Dominic Hilton reminisces about his father’s hoard of bizarre avant-garde CDs, LPs and cassette tapes

Soviet cinema reveals to the West that life in the USSR was not all grey, unsmiling misery; instead, the Soviets were just like us

There is an inexhaustible public appetite for learning about the private lives of our idols, but they don’t make rock stars like they used to

The Falkland Islands bids farewell to the RSS James Clark Ross and a Marylebone gallery hosts a virtual exhibition of Antarctic photographs

Nigel Jones recalls the time he spent in the home of the legendary German writer Ernst Jünger

Christopher Silvester explains how censorship has suppressed Nigerian films that have won international acclaim

Hannah Betts says colour is the new currency of the C-19 crisis