Alastair Campbell has it backwards on Ireland
The British government was too indulgent of Irish nationalists
UK manufacturing is significantly outperforming as a result of Brexit
The doomsters are wrong about Brexit — again
The government must deal with legal immigration
Small boats have not caused Britain’s record migration levels
Our public services are hamstrung by low productivity
The government must do more to help a sluggish state sector catch up
Shock therapy, please
A frustrated Argentina has chosen radical economic reform
Immigration highs and highs
To protect institutions and infrastructure, we need an annual limit on immigration
Escaping Britain’s low-wage trap
Only sustained wage growth will restore trust in the economy
How to meet the demands of the new electoral majority
We can balance politics and increase productivity
The sick man of Europe
Britain is caught in a doom spiral of low wages and high welfare
Britain’s mass immigration hangover
Like a true addict, we power through by increasing consumption