There is no human right to assisted suicide
Lady Hale is wrong about the existing laws
Death in the shadows
The sad case of Sudiksha Thirumalesh
The darkness of assisted dying
The desire to end terrible pain is understandable — but the dangers are severe
Crushing hope
Assisted dying for mental illness forces a dangerous shift in our understanding mental illness
Against assisted suicide
How long before the right to die becomes a duty to die?
Human nature
We must understand our vices as well as our virtues
The ECHR is out of control
The Strasbourg court has waged a decades long crusade against national sovereignty and traditional values
Soft soaping suicide
Emmerdale’s coverage of assisted suicide was disturbing
Euthanasia is liberalism’s endpoint
Existential limits inherent to life orient us to what is of value
Euthanasia on trial
What does it mean to die with dignity?