FDR is no hero – he shouldn’t be Boris’s role model
Is Boris’s ‘Rooseveltian’ revival really what the country needs?
Total eclipse of the art?
Activistic artists and curators are making art a niche political endeavour
The predictability of subverting expectations
What to expect when you’re expecting your expectations to be subverted
When the music stopped
A reflection on the inexorable decline of arts education and the rise of knee-jerk politics and managerialism
Look on our works, ye voters, and despair
Nothing beside remains except the colossal wreck of the Tory Party
Badenoch’s “muscular liberalism” is a non-starter
The Conservative leader sounds hopelessly out of touch
Butterfield’s glorious vindication
Received opinion was wrong about William Butterfield’s powerful architecture
A book about nothing
A new collection from Adrian Chiles is certainly curious
Office politics
There’s the joker, the slacker, and the bloke who just got fired