
The feminist fix: Silence will not protect you from bullies

The proposed hate speech amendment Bill C-36 would crush grass roots feminism in Canada

TERF basher Dr Adrian Harrop succumbed to Twitter’s intoxicating brew of self-righteousness and disinhibition

It would be easy to deride Emily Ratajowski as a hypocrite, but there is something deeper underneath her famous looks

The feminist fix: Legislators must close the loophole that allows men to claim “rough sex” as an excuse for rape and murder

How will society be changed by the over-production of female graduates?

The feminist fix: how to expose mansplainers like Billy Bragg who only pretend to be feminist allies

The browser extension “Shinigami Eyes” colour codes names on the wrong side of history

The danger of endorsing extreme gender ideology

The feminist fix: separate facilities for transgender individuals is the fairest way forward