
In the wake of renewed controversy over Philip Roth’s treatment of women, Nigel Jones asks whether there is a link between creative genius and sexual unorthodoxy

In the wake of Sarah Everard’s death, why has no one acknowledged that Lockdown has provided the ideal conditions for which violence against women can thrive?

Bruce Newsome says that an elite obsessed with social justice is failing at criminal justice

Sisters Uncut have more in common with the thuggish police officers from the Clapham Common vigil than they would care to admit

Calls to change public life to protect women set a bad precedent for the way in which we view women’s freedom

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, has a year of lockdowns shown us that equality in the home is still a fantasy?

Marguerite Stern, a feminist activist who was attacked yesterday in France, speaks to Julie Bindel about why she will never give up campaigning for the rights of women and girls

The reaction to the BBC Woman’s Hour interview with Zara Mohammed exposes the cliquishness of contemporary feminists

The avoidance of the word “woman” in relation to pregnancy is part of a wider assault on women’s rights from transgender activists

Women like Loujain al-Hathloul are “premature reformers”: their crime is to demand social change before the state is ready to concede it