Impact Assessment
The Conservative party’s autumn of discontent
It is a bad sign when Tory MPs say they will vote for their government with “a heavy heart”
Don’t marry your cousin
And don’t knock culture wars — they can save lives
Don’t patronise female students
It’s insulting to think that women have to be treated with kid gloves
Bursting the myth of the “people’s war”
The Home Guard was not a nation-in-arms of the Jacobin kind
Is university still worth it?
Rising fees raise questions about the value of some degrees
The US city on the banks of the Thames
Critics don’t care for Canary Wharf, considering it a monument of 1980s corporatism
Making a difference
Over the past five years we’ve been keeping things civilised
Labour’s inaction on religious persecution
The Freedom of Religion or Belief brief is simply being ignored by the government
A nuclear nothing?
Is Russia’s new nuclear doctrine hot air, or an explosive new factor in world affairs?
The golden age of criticism?
There are good reasons why serious writers no longer review in the national press
Why shouldn’t we discriminate against people’s beliefs?
It is not the same as discriminating on the basis of race or sex