Jon Stewart
Is university still worth it?
Rising fees raise questions about the value of some degrees
Merkel the Disaster
The sad dolts in the room are wrong about the former German chancellor
When America ignored a slaughter
Whatever America’s flaws, its absence from the global stage leaves a space quickly filled by far more malevolent actors
Don’t bet on green energy
Groupthink has blinded us into backing solar and wind. Will a big short make us see sense?
A recipe for decline
This budget will do nothing to lift Britain from its doldrums
The futility of safeguards for assisted suicide
Lessons from Belgium and the Netherlands
Is Cheltenham beyond parody?
A books bash these days has to offer Geri and Geoff Hurst and that bloke out of Radiohead
Rocking the Reichstag
Women across the world have been protesting against the bizarre new German self-ID laws