Leos Janacek
Joyous adventures in the absurd
A new performance of a Janacek opera takes one to the moon and back
Twilight of the hacks
“A Very Royal Scandal” and the emptiness of modern journalism
Landscapes of allusion and illusion
On the architecture of recreation
The Old Vic under siege
The King’s favourite Shakespearean need hardly trouble himself with such dreary details
(DTB) Don’t Trust Boris
The former prime minister is up to his old tricks
Now’s your time, House of Lords
The upper house must prove its worth by opposing the shabby Chagos Islands deal
Some picture-perfect restorations
What we were seeing looked as good as it would have at its premiere
“Trope” is not a synonym of “lie”
You cannot dismiss an argument by calling it a trope
In search of forgotten heroes
The Church has consigned to oblivion those who risked all to end the slave trade
French lessons
Macron’s centrist coalition has not only led the country to paralysis, but is itself threatened with implosion