Lewis Namier
Why are we so interested in Historians?
The historians we love wrote about Big History at a time when Britain mattered
A taste of history
Travel to Italy to savour the majestic “Barolo of the South”
Kemi goes postal
The former business secretary and current Tory leader is grilled over a late delivery
Eric Fogey
Dr Fogey genuinely does believe that virtually every enlightened measure of the past 200 years was a mistake
The predictability of subverting expectations
What to expect when you’re expecting your expectations to be subverted
A craven surrender
The handover of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius represents a mindless and unjust capitulation to a foreign power
The future that never came
Post-war London was saved from a modernist masterplan
Look on our works, ye voters, and despair
Nothing beside remains except the colossal wreck of the Tory Party
Rime of the ancient Tory mariner
The lesson of the Conservative conference? Keep your kids away from politics
Riddle of the Pylons
Intrigue, invasion and romance blossom in Lincolnshire
It’s the economy, stupid
The US election was another reminder of people’s biggest political priority