Martin Reynolds
The fog of bores
Was Martin Reynolds’ memory a casualty of the pandemic?
The designated survivor
Churchill’s stroke in 1953 does not create a workable precedent for Dominic Raab to follow
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We found the prawns you so thoughtfully left behind the radiator, but there’s still something here, isn’t there?
When America ignored a slaughter
Whatever America’s flaws, its absence from the global stage leaves a space quickly filled by far more malevolent actors
If Donald Trump wins, it’s over
Three assassination attempts prove irrefutably that Trump is guilty of inciting violence
Confessions of a Melbourne Bus-Fare Evader
I am become bus, destroyer of bourgeois class consciousness
Blogosphere bubble
Reviving a simple English classic: bubble and squeak
Donald Trump doesn’t know what a woman is, either
Believing that the sexes are different does not mean appreciating their humanity in full
The Democratic Party deserves Donald Trump
Its arrogance and complacency have been exposed