National hero
More than whippets and flat caps
Brian Groom’s Northerners weaves together a rich seam of rebels and innovators
What makes a hero?
Today, our heroes are demi-gods with superhuman powers, genius detectives and, painful though it is to admit, activists
The Tory beauty contest
The good, the bad, the ugly and the downright embarrassing
More than one way to skin a cat
The thing about formulae is that they’re an aid, not a guide
Consent isn’t everything
Protections against violent sexual encounters are being dismantled
People of Colour television
How to unpick the progressive contradictions of colour-blind casting
Silk Road splendour
The bare plain is now home to a million souls, their mosques, cathedrals and some very exclusive hotels
The WASPI women should blame themselves
No injustice has been done to them
On cockroaches and cancellation (w/ James Dreyfus)
How ideology is spoiling the arts
Dancing with Beethoven
Beethoven: String Quartets, vol.2 (Chandos)
Only the truly privileged can be cultural relativists
It is easy not to judge appalling cultural practices from a distance
Donald Trump doesn’t know what a woman is, either
Believing that the sexes are different does not mean appreciating their humanity in full