Naughty but nice
Every six months or so opera surfaces from its undersea lair, like a Bond villain, to enter public consciousness — generally when it’s been naughty.
An irreversible step
If Britain embraces euthanasia for the terminally ill, it won’t end there
Farewell to Larry Siedentop
The great political philosopher, Oxford don, and sage defender of Western liberalism
Biden’s legacy of escalation
His last decisions could determine the state of global politics
The menace of camouflage
There’s something dark about the spread of sartorial concealment to civilians
Final notes
The end The Musical Times is symbolic of a broader malaise in classical music
Labour’s economic policies are incoherent
Labour risks collapsing under the weight of its own inner economic contradictions
A bloodless coup in Bucharest
How can elections be cancelled without substantive reasons even being presented?
John Swinney’s Isla Bryson moment?
The Scottish Government must be made to face the facts on sex and gender
Tense present
Our demand for immediacy makes it difficult to appreciate the past, the present or the future
Anti-Christian persecution is an international problem
Britain should use its diplomatic influence to help