Accidental Orientalism
Britain has been reduced to selling a cheap simulacrum of its history
What Britain’s first Asian prime minister means to me
Confessions of a borientalist
“Trope” is not a synonym of “lie”
You cannot dismiss an argument by calling it a trope
You reap what you sow
Poor Daniel Zeichner was left to face the outrage that the Budget had caused
The problem with Rachel Reeves’s pension pretensions
Bigger funds are not the key to effective investments
The end of art critics
The critics who are now lackeys of the art world
Consent isn’t everything
Protections against violent sexual encounters are being dismantled
Join the escalation?
That world war may not erupt imminently is no excuse for being complacent
The great migration
What will Twitter do without its smuggest inhabitants?
Reject the culture of death
Darkness lies beyond the euthanasia rubicon