Season’s bleatings
Christmas is almost here, but our MPs are not in the festive spirit
Idiot voters
Badenoch’s team aren’t idiots. Not like the voters
Leader of the year™
Might match-fixing explain Kemi Badenoch’s questions at PMQs?
Kemi Badenoch’s bad spell
Badenoch keeps bowling lop hops to Keir Starmer
A constructive opposition
The age of Badenoch is off to a suitably farcical start
Office politics
There’s the joker, the slacker, and the bloke who just got fired
Et tu, er, Philip?
Anti-BoJo jibes enliven a dull PMQs
I, Sunak
An uninspired outing on all sides
Charge of the Lightweight Brigade
Into the valley of death rode the 358
Boris-go! Boris-go! Boris-go!
Se vuol ballare, signor contino, il chitarrino le suonerò