Tory Utopias
1940s Conservatism was seething with creativity and optimism
The decline of industry
English towns faced unique new challenges following deindustrialisation
An actor’s story is a late career marvel
Cleverness is a virtue in itself but is never sterile or without purpose
Violence is a feature of porn, not a bug
Aggression towards women permeates the most popular pornography
BoJo’s Life of Johnson
Exclusive extracts of perhaps the best autobiography by a former Conservative prime minister called Boris
The half-forgotten promise of the Jubilee Line
The London Underground line points the way towards a better future
Progressive realism
Can Labour’s new foreign policy doctrine work in our troubled world?
The British state is failing to protect women
Misogyny, rape and sectarian violence go increasingly unchallenged in the UK
On the death of pets
It is not losing a human, but it is losing a loved one