King Ratter
Patrick Galbraith hunts with a terrier brought back from the brink
Calm down, dears!
Donald Trump offers no threat to Britain’s core ideological commitments and is unlikely to radically change U.S. foreign policy
No, Churchill wasn’t the bad guy
The debate over Britain’s wartime leader has been reignited by an ignorant revisionist account
Eric Fogey
Dr Fogey genuinely does believe that virtually every enlightened measure of the past 200 years was a mistake
The strange death of the Office for Place
The demise of the Office for Place is a missed opportunity for housing
Why I, as a mother…
Being a mother can change our perspectives and priorities
On the death of pets
It is not losing a human, but it is losing a loved one
Why does the establishment want to harm farms?
The Government expects farmers to act as environmental agents of the state
French lessons
Macron’s centrist coalition has not only led the country to paralysis, but is itself threatened with implosion
Enthralling eclecticism
Roberto Gerhard: Don Quixote, &c. (Chandos)
BoJo’s Life of Johnson
Exclusive extracts of perhaps the best autobiography by a former Conservative prime minister called Boris
The end of art critics
The critics who are now lackeys of the art world